beBee background
Kat Carpio

Kat Carpio

Freelancer Content Creator/Copywriter

Marketing / Publicidad / Relaciones Públicas

Maracay, Municipio Girardot


Sobre Kat Carpio:

I'm a fast-learning, hard-working, super creative content creator/designer. I love to grow and help others evolve! Need a dynamic, proactive, and fun to work with a teammate, then that's exactly who I am! 


I have more than 4 years being a content creator and freelancer. Always looking for more!


Hitting the final mark on my bachelor's degree. 

Profesionales del mismo sector Marketing / Publicidad / Relaciones Públicas que Kat Carpio

Profesionales de diferentes sectores cerca de Maracay, Municipio Girardot
